Concrete Floor Self Leveling in San Diego, CA
Concrete Floor Self Leveling in San Diego, CA
Designed for smoothing, leveling, and covering imperfections on damaged surfaces.

Creating an elegant finished concrete floor.
Creek Stone Resurfacing specialists can professionally repair damaged concrete flooring and uneven surfaces, preparing highly durable, easy to maintain, and glossy new surfaces for decorative treatments.
Underlayments act as a thin topping in concrete substrates and remain covered under floor coverings, including tile, vinyl, and ceramic. Though these remain undercover, underlayments require utmost care in installation to ensure perfect floor leveling, which is crucial for preparing the surface for a smooth finish.
A quick solution for leveling and smoothing uneven concrete, these polymer-modified toppings comprise a flowable mixture that makes them easy to spread and self level on the surface, without trowling.
Occupying a middle position in the entire flooring structure, self leveling underlayments provide better strength and stability and smoother surface for the finish floor. Not only this, it is also an important element in the floor “anatomy,” providing the tiles or flooring material above a better place to stick than just the subfloor.
Floor self leveling
underlayments are designed for smoothing and leveling subfloors and covering imperfections and damages on the surface.